Emusible cutting fluids and water soluble
    Accurate formulations and highly selected components allow users to choose from a variety of products covering nearly all needs. Modern formulation products have a low environmental impact and a high technological performance.
    Water miscibles
      SINOPA (series)
    - Emulsible cutting fluids, conventional type, milky emulsion, suitable for general use or severe work, either on ferrous materials and non ferrous materials.
      SINTRAL (series)
    - Emulsible cutting fluids, semi-synthetics of modern concept, bio stable, milky emulsion or translucent, cover all grades of water hardness and all chip removal machining on traditional and CNC machines, covering all ferrous and non ferrous materials. SINTRAL series includes also products, chlorine and boron free, for high pressure operations, and products suitable for tangential centerless grinding.
      RETIOL (series)
    - Synthetic soluble cutting fluids, modern concept, transparent solution, for chip removal machining through wheel or abrasive stone. Excellent cooling properties, anti rust and anti foam together, good cleaning power on the wheel, easy scrap and metal dust decantation.




Sede legale e operativa: Via EDISON, 4 – 20010 Cornaredo (MI)
Registro delle Imprese di Milano
REA 1173141
Capitale Sociale € 1.033.000,00
P. IVA 07665060153